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Why You Don't Want To Work On Your Home Plumbing System On Your Own

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Even as a homeowner that has a lot of experience doing various repair work around the house, it is very important for you to make sure that you are making use of professional plumbing services when you have a problem with your pipes. To help you understand why this is so important, you will want to make sure that you are checking out the following points. The Plumber Has Seen It All…

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4 Reasons To Avoid Installing A Too-Big HVAC System

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If you’re ready to buy a heating and air conditioning unit, you are probably doing it so that you can keep your home at ideal temperatures on even the hottest or coldest days of the year. You might be thinking about buying the biggest unit that you can so that you can keep your home really cool. However, you should avoid installing a too-big HVAC system; instead, you should choose the one that is the right size for your home for these reasons.…

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Why Your Restaurant Needs To Invest In Commercial Air Conditioning

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There are many components that make a successful restaurant, and whether you realize it or not, a quality commercial air conditioning system is one of them. As a business owner, you need to ensure that you have a commercial air conditioning system that is able to meet the demands of your restaurant. You also must locate an HVAC company that you can depend on to preserve your HVAC equipment. Keep reading to learn just a few of the many reasons why a quality AC system is crucial for your restaurant.…

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Does Setting The Thermostat To A Higher Temperature Prolong The Life Of Your A/C?

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Maintenance of appliances includes wise use that preserves the appliance’s ability to keep working well for a longer time. One tactic people use to make life easier for their home’s air conditioning systems is to restrict the use of the system, either by restricting the times during which it can be used, or by setting the thermostat to a slightly higher temperature. Basically, they take the advice to set the thermostat to 78 for better efficiency and amp it up a notch, setting it to something like 80 or 82.…

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Your Ducts Need Love Too

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Your home’s HVAC system has many complex components that you know are important. If your compressor or furnace is on the fritz, it is immediately obvious that something is wrong. Of course, there are maintenance items to consider as well. You know that you need to regularly change your AC filter and inspect your outdoor unit for issues, but what about your ducts? This key part of any HVAC system is often left neglected and unloved.…

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Improving The Air In Your Home With Regular Air Conditioning Service

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The air in your home can have dust, pollen, and other contaminants in it that can make it tough to breathe if you or a family member has allergies, asthma, or some other respiratory problem. The best way to improve the air quality is through regular maintenance and cleaning of the HVAC system in your home.  Change the Air Filters One of the most important things you can do to improve the air in your home is to change the air filters in the HVAC system regularly.…

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3 Tips for Maintaining Your Business's Central Air Conditioning Unit

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When you own and operate a business, you want to keep your employees and customers comfortable. As part of this effort, you need to make sure that your building’s air conditioning unit is running as efficiently as possible. To do so, use the following tips to help maintain your commercial air conditioning unit. 1.  Clean the Vents and Replace the Filter on a Regular Basis One way you can keep your AC unit properly maintained is by cleaning the vents on a regular basis.…

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Buying A New Furnace? Ask Yourself These Questions First

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Next to roofing and foundation repairs, an HVAC system replacement is one of the biggest investments you can make in your home. So, it’s no wonder that a furnace replacement seems like such a big deal. Once you’ve chosen your new furnace, it’s yours for the next 15 to 20 years, so it pays to ask yourself a few important questions as you shop for a new furnace. “What Type of Furnace Should I Buy?…

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4 Important Things HVAC Contractors Want You To Know About Your Electric Forced-Air Heater

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It happens every winter. HVAC companies send out their technicians on service calls to people’s homes because the outdoor temperatures are below freezing and their customers’ forced-air heating systems won’t turn on. And, when they arrive on the scene, the technicians quickly discover expensive problems that could have been prevented if the homeowner would have taken simple actions. To keep this scenario from happening at your home this winter, keep in mind these four important things HVAC contractors want you to know about your forced-air heating system and its care.…

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Warning Signs That Tell You It's Time For Commercial Air Conditioning Repair

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As the owner or operator of a business ran out of a commercial property, you will need to make sure that you are well aware of the signs that tell you that there is a problem with the central air conditioning system. This way, you will have the opportunity to get the problem resolved before the system completely stops working. At that point, you could be forced to purchase an entirely new central air conditioning system, and you probably want to avoid that expense.…

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