Learning About HVAC Services

Will You Know What to Do if Your Air Conditioner Stops Working?

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Keeping your air conditioner in great shape through regularly scheduled maintenance can help prevent unexpected breakdowns from happening. If a breakdown does happen, however, you’ll want to know how you should handle being without air conditioning for a brief period before your HVAC technician can arrive with a quick fix. Here are a few pointers that can help you survive until your technician shows up. Keep Those Windows and Blinds Closed…

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Safeguarding Your Air Conditioner From Theft

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To you, your air conditioner represents a great way of keeping your home cool and comfortable on a warm day. To the average thief, however, your air conditioner contains a treasure trove of valuable metals that can be easily stripped out and sold for scrap. Air conditioning units are often the unwitting targets of copper and refrigerant theft, resulting in thousands of dollars in damages as well as lost comfort.…

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Staying Warm All Winter: Keep Your Heating System Maintained To Avoid Emergency Repairs

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The most important part about getting your heating system ready for the winter is to have your system serviced by a professional technician. This will ensure that you begin the heating season with an efficient, clean, functional heating system. Once a technician takes care of the system, it’s important to continue to take care of the unit so that works well throughout the winter months. Filters should be checked every month, you should make sure the outdoor unit doesn’t have any debris around it, and the exhaust vent should be damage free.…

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