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Frequently Asked Questions About Drain Cleaning

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Clogged drains are an inconvenience that can lead to property damage and pose a hazard if not addressed quickly. You can clear a clogged drain using a plunger. However, if plunging doesn't work, you need professional drain cleaning services. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about drain cleaning.

What Are the Types of Drain Cleaning Methods?

The first thing a drain cleaning professional will do is assess the condition of your drains. They may conduct a video inspection to determine the source of the blockage. Based on their analysis, a professional will either use chemical drain cleaning, airburst drain cleaning, snake drain cleaning, or hydro-jetting.

Chemical cleaning involves the use of solid or liquid acids to dislodge blockages. The airburst cleaning method involves the use of accelerated gas like carbon dioxide to unblock pipes. With the snake drain method, the professional uses a long drain snake to unclog the lines. One end of the drain snake drills the clog until it disintegrates.

Lastly, the hydro-jetting method involves the use of high-pressure water to unclog drains. The hydro-jet is connected to a powerful nozzle that drives water at a high pressure to clear the drains.

When Should You Clean Your Drains?

You should clean your drains regularly to avoid plumbing issues. There are certain signs you should watch out for that will tell you when a drain cleaning is due. First, if your drains are slower than usual, you should be alarmed. This condition is caused by substances or objects clogging the drain.

Another sign is foul odors which are caused by sewer waste in the drains. Other signs to watch out for include frequent clogs, gurgling sounds, and multiple clogged drains. Even if you don't notice any of these signs, it's advisable to schedule a drain inspection to check for potential issues.

What Are Some Tips for Keeping Your Drains Clean?

While professional drain cleaning is inevitable at some point, there are some tips you can use to keep your drains clean for a longer period. First, you should find other ways of disposing of drain-clogging materials. For example, you can dispose of cooking grease in the garbage. 

Another tip is to rinse drains with hot water. The water makes oils present in food products flow faster down the drain. You can also install a strainer in your kitchen drains. The strainer will trap food and other particles so that only water and food oils run through the drain. You can toss the contents of the strainer into the trash. This will reduce the frequency of kitchen drain cleaning.

If you need help, reach out to a local plumbing service.
