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Tips To Keep In Mind If You Think You Need A New Furnace

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Purchasing a brand-new furnace isn't cheap, so it's understandable if you've been trying to get an extra year or two out of your current one. But your family's comfort is not something you want to play games with. If your current furnace is on its last legs, here are some tips to keep in mind as you move towards purchasing a new one. 

Don't Wait Until It's Cold Out

Waiting until winter to replace your furnace is a bad idea for a couple of reasons. The most obvious one is if you wait until your current furnace breaks down, your family might have to go a few days or longer without a proper source of heat in the house. The other reason you should purchase a furnace in the off-season is to take advantage of off-season pricing. The furnace itself, as well as the furnace specialist you hire to install it, might have special deals on offer to encourage sales during a slower time of the year.

Focus on Features, Not the Name

If you have a brand name you are already comfortable with, that's fine, but don't let that limit your options. Chances are furnaces today are a bit different than what was available on the market the last time you purchased one many years ago. Talk to a furnace contractor about the latest features as well as the differences between electric and gas heat. Many furnaces today are built with energy efficiency in mind and can help lower your energy bill as well as your environmental footprint.

Begin a Regular Maintenance Routine

Once you've found the right furnace for your family, it's time to start a routine that will ensure that you won't need another furnace replacement anytime soon. Contact a local contractor and get your furnace professionally inspected at least once a year, ideally before the beginning of every winter. Keep your furnace clear of dust and debris and change out the air filter on a regular basis to keep it running as efficiently as possible.

If your current furnace isn't going to last much longer, you should move to purchase a new one before the coldest days of the year arrive. Talk with a local contractor about the different types of features available today and decide what type of furnace would work best for your family. For more information, contact an HVAC professional today and be sure to stay in touch as part of a regular maintenance plan. 
