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How A Condensate Overflow Switch Prevents Air Conditioner Water Leaks

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As an air conditioner's refrigerant changes states – from a liquid to a gas – it usually produces a cooling effect that not only cools air, but also forces the moisture in the air to condense. This usually results in the presence of water in the evaporator coil area.

Air conditioners usually get rid of this water through the condensate drainage system. This is necessary so as to avoid the water flowing onto the base of the air conditioner's housing unit – something that might cause premature rusting – or leaking out of the air conditioner and onto valuables such as furniture and paintings.

Unfortunately, there are times when this condensate-draining process fails. And when this happens, the resulting air conditioner moisture leaks can end up causing extensive damage in a home. Luckily, this is something that can be avoided by simply installing a condensate overflow switch.

The two-pronged defense of condensate overflow switch installation

Condensate overflow switches are usually installed with a condensate overflow tray. This usually affords a home enhanced protection against any air conditioner moisture leaks.

The first layer of protection that this offers a home has to do with the presence of the condensate overflow tray. This tray usually shields the unit from water damage by collecting any water that flows out of the condensate drainage system.

The second layer or protection is the switch itself. The condensate overflow switch usually steps in only when the amount of water leaking out of condensate drainage system overwhelms the condensate overflow tray. It does so by switching off the air conditioning system once the water reaches a certain level. And by so doing, it usually eliminates the moisture-producing process, effectively eliminating any risks of air conditioner water leaks.

Getting your air conditioner back to working-mode

What is even better is that getting your air conditioner running after a condensate overflow switch shut-off is easy. All that you will need to do is to empty the water in the condensate overflow tray. You can also prevent these shut-offs by fixing the underlying source of the leak. Unclogging the condensate drain lines of your air conditioning system, getting rid of factors that increase coil-icing risks such as clogged air filters, and investing in a larger condensate collector tray are some of the things that you can do to significantly reduce the risks of water flowing into the condensate overflow tray. Doing these things will eliminate the need for the condensate overflow tray switch to step in and will thus reduce the frequency of the air conditioner shut downs.

For assistance, contact a company that specializes in heating and air conditioning repairs.
